Who Am I?

My photo
Insane guy, almost always out of the box, playing against the rules, challenging the odds and yet with the crowd :) Optimism, ftw!

Monday, February 28, 2011

This Time, Last Year!

Hi all!
Memories. Our life is one big collage of various events that crossed our paths, during the course of our time. 
The year 2010 was a pretty big one in my life and I'm sure it was for many of my batchmates as well. 
Why? Here in India, being a Science student, and being interested in Engg, more often than not equates to the following: 
  1. Destroy the Boards and/or
  2. Clear IIT-JEE/AIEEE.
Seems mundane and uncool, no? Well, It sure is, when looked at the academics point of view. 
In my case though, I can very confidently say, that I may have had the most fun time of my life, during my preparations for JEE. All credit to that, goes to my awesomely terror set of friends, who always managed to rock any place we were in!

Why did we enjoy the classes? 
Pre class chatter. Seems stupid? You have no idea what we people can yap about! The latest scandals and rumors, making up new scandals and rumors ( :P ), sledging, betting and daring... I still remember some really EPIC dares, where one of my friends had to give a chocolate to a girl, only to find the chocos were heart shaped... #HILARIOUS!
Obviously, observation of the opposite gender ( 3:-D ) was a regularity, even though, sometimes it was a rarity... ;P. And the random going to local shops, buying chips packets and seeing them empty in 2 seconds, or sneak silently while you savour your meal. only to be chased down by rabid friends who sniffed you out during their break-time prowlings!

And I have to confess, the academic part of my life was also, quite a riot. I was blessed with studd profs for physics and chem and just attending their classes was bliss. Interactive classes, rock...always, and their work, paid off, as we all are quite happy where we are.

Accepted, this time, last year, all of us plain tensed. Tensed, cos we had to score in 2 big examinations. But, upfront, we all had that, 'Who-gives-a-damn' smile and a Cool cat attitude. 

As i wrote this, I kinda realised, that wherever we are, whatever we do, in the end, its the people who we are with, that defines how much we actually enjoy, what we do. And I'm lucky, that JEE gave me a chance, to get to know my friends better, and also, to make, many more true friends! And also...for letting me enter Insti :D

This is to all of you out there, who made my life, LEGEN.....wait4it....DARY!! 
WE ROCK!! \m/

Monday, February 21, 2011


Lets face it. That four-letter word never fails to bring chills down any student. Esp. so, if the student, had the unique opportunity, to study in India. :P
When we were chotta-bacchas, exams were a nice thing. Questions were interactive and not plain boring, like they are now. For some reason, as far as Ive seen, students till their 6th are not worried about their exams and actually, like to study. But, as we grow old(er), that laziness kicks in, and naturally, we sulk, we complain, we rebel and in the end....try to find, the easier way out
What do I mean by easier way out?
A classic reaction to most of our examinations, is superbly acted out by Mr.Bean, in this short clip...

Familiar? If it isn't, your not worthy of being a teen student!! xP
Very comical, it does seem. But really, when you dunno ANYTHING in a paper, what CAN you do, to pass? 
And no, Flashes of Brilliance and Child Prodigy Power -----> bullshit!
Most of the time, we fail to do exams decently, just because, we get stuck up, on a few questions. Which, ultimately, leads to frustration, restlessness and then, the need to cheat.
You think copying is as funny as it is in the video? The experienced, tell me that the thrill experienced is unique and awesome. I'm sorry, but 83% ( :P ) of the time, thats not the case. And the repercussions in getting caught, is, dear friends, FAR from smile-worthy. 

Umm, for example, here at IITM... Click here....

And no, I did not make all that up!! 
The reactions I heard after people read that : 

"Machi, terror ah iruku le?", "Dude, WTF was that? o.O", "Hahaa, semma comedy da...!!",  "Man, we're screwed", "Naiiiceeeee."... 

I'm quite sure this isn't going to stop anyone from actually cheating. As i had written earlier, in a different context, We just LOVE to take that risk. We are defined by that fearless risk taking, and we are quite proud of it too! 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

More than 'Just Friends'

Hullo people!
Have you watched Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na? As far as I comprehended the movie, its about this awesome 2 people, who were really, really close friends, but later, discovered that their relationship was not mere friendship; it was, rather, The Pinnacle of Relationships, Love.

I watched that movie more than half a year ago (Yea, I know, Damn late!), and thought, 'Yea, Bollywood. Terrific imagination!'.
Well folks, turns out, the ever-ignorant Me, was shocked to know that that situation is very much possible.
How do I know that? No, Not personal experience (Ob :P ).

Recently, 2 of my friends ( A 'He' and a 'She'), got into an argument. Apparently, 'She' said she wouldn't speak to him 'forever',  for a reason, at that time, obscured (to  me, at least). For a fact, fights between these two were common, and I should have been quite used to this by now. Thing was, for a change, it was 'He' who told me something was wrong. Well, more probing and thinking, (On my part), led me to the conclusion that, once again, a mood swing had swept over her. Mood Swings do this? Why 'Him', you ask me?

The history of these two go back ages, of which, I know jus a small portion of. Lets just say, there was an attempt to upgrade a friendship to The Pinnacle, and somehow, that just didnt work out, and so, they decided to continue as 'Friends'. Close Friends.

Ok, as usual, at the end of the day, (in this case, close to, the end), my thoughts, wandered.
What was the problem? My answer was quite simple. MAN-DOESN'T-FORGET.
Or at least, most don't. Surely, there would many times, when you would have 'forgiven' someone for something they did, but the next time you you him/her, everything comes back and you'll be on your guard.
Likewise here, just that its a LOT more complicated.

You have that immense need to be in each other's company, but can't do that, because maybe, others may think 'something's up'. You constantly shift between two states of mind, not really knowing where you really belong. You feel your 'not  good enough' or 'not worthy of him/her', and go into a self-imposed depressed state, while the other person has no idea, whats happening. You want to prove you can live, peacefully, without the other person, in turn torturing yourself mentally and again, the other person would remain in bewilderment.

I'll give an example of how confused one can be in such a situation.
On asking what 'She' really felt, the reply was, " 'He' makes me feel Happy and Beautiful...umm, Other guys also make me feel Happy and Beautiful... " :P

What to make of this? Like the majority of semi-sane people on the planet, I too love happy endings. Good news, as far as I know, their argument is 'adjourned' (Since I can NEVER say, over!).
Will they finally figure where they stand and decide accordingly? Time, only time will tell! :)

Anyways, for people who were looking for a comedy write-up, Sorry, this time, it was kinda on a serious side.
Perhaps, next time? :D Lol, Only Time will tell =P

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Musings on A Blank Sheet...

Hey ppl!
As a student, I, like all others have been faced with the situation, where I'm given a black sheet of paper, and another sheet, printed this time, which a lot of gibberish written all over it. Most of those sentences started with 'Explain' or ended with a '?'.... Most teachers call this a 'Question Paper'...or something of that sort. We, quite obviously, call them, 'Torture Paper', and quite frequently, we also use the variation, 'Toilet Paper' ! 
And so, on one such occasion, during my 'intricate' process of deciphering the gibberish, my focus shifted, quite naturally, to that blank answer sheet. And so began, a chain of thought, which I shall descibe briefly:

Hmm, A Blank Sheet...What can we do with this Blank Sheet? 
We could, maybe, write an awesome poem or maybe do some intricate line art/pencil shading. We could write articles, make paper planes...heck, we could even pen down some sheet music for an orchestral piece! ( Warning: Last one is advised for experts. Many have suffered from deafness and insomnia from Crap Music xP )

From there, my thoughts wandered to, What am I gonna get from using this Blank Sheet? 
An outlet to vent my creative energy? To get a quick buck, maybe? Critical Acclaim, perhaps? Parental disapproval (Which, btw is what I would get if I had left that paper blank :D ) The Ladies? (What? I'm a normal teen too, dude! =D)

Right, so if I do decide to take my the Blank Sheet, what do I need to succeed?
Thats quite simple. A HUGE stockpile of Inspiration. A wide ocean of Imagination. Peace, Soltitude and maybe, a kinda reclusive personality.... and Huge (Delusions of) Talent.. 
Yup, easy stuff ! xP

Not heeding to the time, or the fact that the invigilator was staring at me, probably thinking I had given up hopes of attempting the Torture Paper, my thoughts went on to...What'd I do, if I depleted my stockpile of Inspiration?
Then, Maybe I should take a trip to the woods, An Artist's retreat, as they call it... Or Read/Reflect on great works of art... Or Sleep...maybe even have Mind-Altering Drugs (Gee, i wonder how THAT came into my mind! )
I then detoured to what unwanted stuff could happen when ! was 'recuperating'... I could, umm, be attacked by a tiger in the woods, or get highly Demoralised after seeing the great artworks... Plain oversleeping ( which I'm prone to! :D )...or get arrested for drug abuse. LOL!

Now suddenly, a teeny-tiny portion of my head remembered that I had to write on this sheet.Thoughts became gloomy... I thought, 'Man, What if I fail to conquer The Blank Sheet!?'
Flee the world of The Blank Sheet? Wander the Epic Wilderness of Unfinished Work and Disappeared Inspiration? Tear it all up and take another Blank Sheet? Or just make sacrifices and prayers to the Blank Sheet gods?

Hmm, in any case, The invigilator came next to me and gave a really, cold stare; actually, it had a bit of sympathy as well. Well, I guess that was the end of the Blank Sheet Analysis...Back to deciphering the Tragic Torture Paper......!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Sorry! I'm Busy!

Busyness... The term is really quite relative. And it could have various degrees of like-ability.
Theres that 'I love what I'm doing'-busy.... That, 'I dont mind this'-busy.... The 'Hmph, Gotta get this done somehow'-busy...and the worst, the 'OH DAMN! I DONT HAVE TIME'-busy... and....

So, this morning, I was thinking what next to put up in this blog and I got a message from a senior, which read, 'Dude, Did you prepare for the Quiz you are conducting tomorrow?'
Suddenly, something really heavy struck me. And it did NOT feel good.

Well, for general info, I'm a first year, dual degree student of the Metallurgy and Mat. Engg dept of IITM and we're having our department's Tech Fest, 'Amalgam' starting today till Sunday (6th Feb). [ Yeah, This could also be interpreted as publicity for Amalgam =D ]
I am that fest's Quiz Coord, and I was supposed to prepare a 'Grand' quiz for the event, which is held tomorrow. And, as could be easily guessed, I have not prepared anything for it....yet!

So, as soon as afternoon lab session got over, I hopped into my car and wanted to rush home, to do the quiz work. During the whole 1 hour journey from college to home, I thought of quiz questions....At least, thats what I should have done... ! Instead, being the Daredevil I think I am, I peacefully slept off, even though the AC was kinda too high. I woke up to see that 2 hrs had passed, and thanks to a terrible traffic jam ( was too sleepy to see where I was) had not reached home yet.

Finally, when I did reach home, A 'brilliant' idea struck me. "Why don't I blog this?"
Man, you see, LOVES to be in a thrilling situation. The weirdest ideas sometimes crop up, at the most inconvenient of times.
I've been getting calls from friends asking me to attend the inaugural function of the fest. My reply, 'Sorry! I'm Busy! I'm preparing the quiz!'....
Why do we do this? Well, I'm guessing, its a mixture of perhaps, disinterest and also, a confidence that even though we waste some time, the work, will somehow be done.
Is this good? Hell No! That really haunting feeling you get, when you ought to do some work fast, yet your time-passing, is not a pleasurable one. But hey, The sense of satisfaction, when you complete that work, is really, Heavenly! And i think, that is why, we people, still do this! (Atleast, 83% of the humans ;-D )

Right, so I'm gonna make that quiz now!

PS: As I typed, I did mange to make up 7 questions. (Multi-tasking... :P )

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Another Choice, made!

So, I too, enter the world of blogging!
I'll start off with a confession: My presence in the blogging world is 60% because of, what you'd call, 'Peer Pressure'.

It's a really powerful force, this Peer Pressure [Not to be confused with Beer Pressure! :P] And contrary to usual beliefs, its all not that bad.
When its good, I'd say, your part of a crowd...and when its bad...well, your part of a mob! :)
In my case, a lot of good has come out of peer pressure, like say... music, or interest ( albiet just a little ) in sports and most importantly, poetry writing....and now... blogging!
And the bad? For some (lucky) reasons, Ive been blessed with a set of really awesome friends, who haven't yet PP'ed (Peer Pressured*) me into anything that bad!

The rest, 40%...well, hey, Its a place where I can write/show whatever I want to and get away with it! :-D
So, What am I going to do here, specifically? A place where I can blabber my thoughts freely, share interesting stuff and post shocking news?
Frankly, I really don't know! Don't think I ever will either. That, maybe the result of, My Untamed Mind :)